Outline and Syllabus
Operated by M-Power (not Haggs Bank)
Avilable to TRF members only.
This course is ratified by the Overland Guide Association. This course is written for the motorcycle trail rider, specific motorcycle injuries and concerns will shape this course syllabus.
There is the option to stay at Haggs Bank overnight if required/desired. Please book directly with Haggs Bank on 01434 382486 or info@haggsbank.com.
20th/21st April 2004
£95 course fee (accommodation extra if required)
Booking and payment
Please pay by bank transfer to Cumbria TRF Bank Account Number 60848794 Branch Sort Code 20 45 28. Please use your name and First Aid as the reference.
Start time is 09:30 both days with a finish time of 5pm
Drinks are included but lunch is not. Please bring a packed lunch if required.
Please bring a helmet, warm outdoor clothes (suitable to get dirty in) riding jacket and riding gloves. Please bring your riding first aid kit if you have one.